Crypto – NES game

So I haven’t written anything for a long time. I decided to fill my blog more with my personal projects and cool things I learned about programming. I will start writing one of the most satisfactory projects I did.

It is Crypto, it is a NES game me and my other 3 friends developed for NES platform (Yes, that NES platform) in GGJ 2016. I had prior NES programming experience and some tools ready before GGJ but whole programming took 2 days to complete. So here is a gameplay video.

This video is one of the older versions, some of the textures are changed but it is pretty much final other than that. We bringed a CRT TV and a famiclone to GGJ event, which made it even cooler!

Gameplay is coop. There are four magical objects (Potion, scroll, book and hourglass) scattered around a maze and objective of players are carrying them all to center of the maze. Subject of GGJ was “Ritual”, so players carries objects, make a ritual and escape the maze.

There are also enemies though, so gameplay is usually one player carrying the object and other one is defending him. However it is much slower when only single player holds an object. Second play can decide to help in carrying but this time it is much harder to control. To move down, both player must hit down at the same time. This makes it both annoying and fun at the same time! Once all objects are connected, players advance the level which makes the enemies stronger.

The coolest part was after the jam, we posted the game on Reddit and it got kinda popular. We sold some games on, made a deal with stoneagegamer which bundled our game in the cartridges they sold (for all we know, Crypto is the best selling NES game on 2016) and even made it into a indie game bundle!